Working with the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) at ßÙßÇÂþ» will be rewarding for your organization, allowing you to connect with the thousands of ßÙßÇÂþ» University students (ad faculty and staff) who participate in volunteer opportunities and community-engaged courses every year. By using CCE resources, your organization will benefit from exposure to these students and can recruit them to help with your various projects and opportunities.
The CCE can promote opportunities that you may wish to publicize to students through two forums: the Community Opportunities Directory and a weekly student newsletter.
Connect with student volunteers
The Community Opportunities Directory is a searchable database containing hundreds of community organizations and the opportunities they have available for students to be engaged in the community. Adding your organization to the Directory is a great way to recruit volunteers, interns, mentors, research assistants and more.
Add opportunities to the Community Opportunities Directory
- If your organization is already registered in the Community Opportunities Directory, log in to your account.
- If your organization is not already registered, add your organization.
- Once logged in, you can add new opportunities, edit old opportunities or edit your organization's profile.
Things to keep in mind when adding an opportunity to the Community Opportunities Directory:
The opportunities with the highest rates of response include a full, detailed explanation of what is expected and why it is a worthwhile endeavor. Fill out the submission form completely, including the expected time commitment, any training requirements or other prerequisites, etc. Most students (like most adults) prefer to know what will be expected of them before they make a commitment.
Note: Sites offering in-person opportunities must take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect the health and safety of student participants, including following all state and local health protocols.
The CCE has also put together some tips to think about when organizing online or virtual service opportunities.
Partner with impactBING CORE
impactBING CORE (Community Opportunities for Real Engagement) is a volunteer placement program run by the CCE that provides extra support for organizations in recruiting, interviewing, placing, training and coordinating student volunteers. Organizations in any field of work are welcome. Long-term and short-term volunteer needs can be accommodated, but longer-term opportunities that provide a more meaningful experience for students will be prioritized. Learn more on the impactBING CORE website.
Share opportunities in our weekly student newsletter
The CCE’s weekly student newsletter is emailed to over 2,000 self-subscribed students every Monday evening during the academic year (late August–early May), promoting both long- and short-term civic engagement opportunities in the community.
Add items to the newsletter
- The first step is adding your opportunity directly into the Community Opportunities Directory.
- Once your opportunity has been added to the Community Opportunities Directory and approved by CCE staff, it will be added to the "New Opportunities" page of the Directory, which is linked to prominently in each newsletter. The newsletter is sent out on Monday evenings, so submissions must be received by noon on Monday of the week you would like it to be included for the first time in the newsletter.
- Exceptions: Events you are promoting simply to spread the word and increase attendance (fundraisers, 5Ks, etc.) and scholarship, award or publication opportunities should NOT be entered into the Community Opportunities Directory. These can be emailed to us at by noon on Monday for inclusion in that week's newsletter. Only opportunities that involve students engaging in work on behalf of the community should be entered into the Community Opportunities Directory(i.e. short-term and long-term volunteer opportunities, community-based research assistantships, etc.).
If you have any questions or concerns about promoting your opportunities to students
through the Community Opportunities Directory or student newsletter, email us at or call 607-777-4287.
Student Interns
Students can receive academic credit for their internship or complete a non-credit internship. Internships are formal educational and professional development experiences that are generally more structured than volunteer roles.
Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development
The Fleishman Center is the primary contact for student internship recruitment, where organizations can post opportunities in hireBING on the Handshake platform.
The Fleishman Center sponsors 2-, 4- or 8-credit internship programs, in which interns complete 60, 120 or 240+ internship hours during the semester and participate in a professional development seminar.
For more information:
Departmental Internships
Some academic departments require or sponsor student internships. Expectations and timelines vary for each program. Contact the individual academic department to learn more:
For more information:
- Departments commonly looking for internship opportunities:
Human Development
- Bachelor’s degree 100 hours
Human Rights
- Master’s degree 120 hours
Public Administration
- Master’s degree 300 hours
Public Health
- Master’s degree 360 hours
Social Work
- Bachelor’s degree 510 hours
- Master’s degree 510 hours
Sustainable Communities
- Master’s degree variable hours
Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership
- Hours vary depending on program
Connect with faculty
The CCE works with faculty members across campus to integrate community-engaged projects into their classes or research projects. If you have a project in mind that you think would benefit from a partnership with ßÙßÇÂþ» faculty, contact the CCE's faculty engagement associate, Barrett Brenton, or director, Alison Handy Twang, to discuss possibilities.
Social media
Connect with the Center for Civic Engagement through social media! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram and "like" us on Facebook for the latest updates.
Community partner newsletter
to receive updates from the CCE; opportunities to connect with faculty, staff and campus resources; and learn about engagement already happening between the University and greater ßÙßÇÂþ» community.
How our students #impactBING
Check out some of the community projects our students and faculty have been working on!